Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Year's Day, Football and Gettysburg!

Hello my loves!!

I hope you all had a very good New Years Eve and a nice, quiet new year's day for those of us who recovered from the crazy night of endless partying. That statement definitely stands true for me!

I think this New Year's weekend was probably the best New Year's weekend I have ever had, thanks to my sweet friend Keith Baughman. He and I made plans for me visit him that weekend. From the minute I got there 'til New Year's day, there were large amounts of alcohol consumed.! We were for sure, starting early, making sure we ended 2006 right and starting off 2007 with some really good stories.

Keith lives in Pennsylvania, not too far from DC or Baltimore. He lives in a little town, and I stress little, called Littlestown ( ironic huh?!?!) which is near Gettysburg. That is a very cool place to visit. If you ever make it out that way, check out Gettysburg, PA. The history is phenomenal and you can drive along the road on the battlefields and see where all the craziness of the civil war took place. There is a very strong, overwhelming feeling you get when your there. It was a very neat experience.

I flew into Baltimore that Thursday, the 28th of December. On the way to his home, we stopped to eat and starting drinking a few beers. The plan was to not go out and just go home. We had to wake up early the next day and meet a friend of his and his wife at their cabin; it was good drive from where Keith lives.

Yeah...that's not how that night went down. His friends had been calling for a bit wanting us to meet up with them. It went from absolutley not to ok but to only for an hour. predicable. After dinner and meeting his family briefly, I changed and off we went. First to a bar and definetly had a few drinks, then went to this other bar with nothing inside but more alcohol. Waking up the next morning was a little rough, for the both of us. That was a great night regardless.

We had a bit of a late start Friday morning but finally got on the road around 1:30 pm. The drive to Gil and Sandy's cabin, which was about 2 hrs, was one that will stick in my memory for a lifetime. It was peaceful and extremely beautiful. It looks a lot like Arkansas where I grew up. I felt at home and stress-free there. Sandy (a super, wonderful woman) greeted us when we arrived. Gil is just way too funny. A true mountain man at heart and loves his family. Guaranteed the first time you meet Gil and Sandy, you'll remember her because of her warm smile and he because of his laugh.

Good people's for sure!

Sandy's two daughter's were there as well and they are just way too cute. One is still in high school and the other is 19 in college. Listening and watching them took me back to my high school year's. Thank god we don't have to go through that again. I don't think my mom would've survived another one of those "moments". =)

We all went to dinner that night and where we ate was a shuffel board table. Now, for those of you who have never even heard of this game, apparently it gets very competitive. And that's what totally ended up happening. I for sure, had no clue on how this game was played. Gil did though, and he taught all of us how to play this very addicting game.

Keith and I were partners against Gil and his step-daughter. At the end of every game, we would play another one. I got more pissed off than before because more than likely, Keith and I were loosing. I think we may have won 2 games??!! Not too sure, but it was complete comedy!! I got the hang of it after a minute but my teammate on the other hand was struggling. In his defense though, we did go through a few pitcher's of the ol' barley and hops. We decided it was time to take the girls home and go have fun for a bit.

We showed up at this biker bar and oh man, we DEFINETLY stuck out like sore thumbs.

We played a game of darts then sat back at the bar and started people-watching. As the night went on, it got much more fun!! The drunker we got, the crazier the people there became. It was our new favorite hangout!! A birthday girl was there that night and you sure as hell couldn't miss her. She was all over the place and all over everybody. We had this bright idea of getting her a shot for here birthday and Keith insisted on getting her a 3 wise men.

Anybody who's ever taken that shot knows how much it hurts, especially if you're already intoxicated. This lady was definetly intoxicated. We thought for sure she would either fall right on her head or puke within seconds of taking that shot. That lady is my new hero! She took that thing like a champ and proceeded to say with a crinkly face, "What the hell was that and where the hell are you people from???" Hahahaha....that was a classic moment!

From then on, there was never a dull moment. That had to have been one of the greatest evenings ever to be remembered. That next morning, we all went for a little hike in the mountains and took in the scenery. There is a lot of beauty to be seen up there. I called my mom right away when we left and bragged about how wonderful of an area that place was.

After getting back to Keith's house, he took me out on his bro's GSXR 600. I love those bikes They're so much fun! It was extremely cold outside so we didn't ride that long. We did stay in that night however.

Waking up the next morning was easy for me because I was ready......Sunday was here!!

That ment tailgating, more beer, football, more beer, partying that night and more beer!! It was New Year's Eve; the time of the year we all wait for. The begining of the end and god's way of giving us a fresh new start. I am bound and determined that this next year is going to be a great success and I am going to have a blast getting there. What a perfect way to get started, being with your peoples and having the time of your life.

I had told Keith awhile back that I had only been to a Pro football game once. I love football!! I love all kinds of sports but I just really love watching football. Seriously, there's really nothing like football, beer, wings, your buds. Good times no doubt! I guess I don't have a favorite team because I enjoy watching several teams. But if I had to chose a team, then I would chose the Colts.

Ohhhh but man oh man......I love my friends!!!!

The Ravens and the Bills were playing that day in Baltimore and he was able to get killer tickets!! I knew we were going before I got there, but I was so excited much more that weekend just because of being at the game. To make that day even better, Keith had bought me a pink and white Ravens jersey....#86. Yea, my friend is a pretty cool guy! ;) We got there and did a little bit of tailgating, met some people and went into the stadium.

Oh my goodness it was a cold one that day!! I was wrapped up in my beanie, a sweater under my jersey, and a down coat. No gloves though and what a mistake that! It started raining a little but it was an awesome game regardless!! I had so much fun even if I was turning into a popsicile......hahahahha!! Before the end of the game, we went into a tiny bar and finished watching the game there. While there, we started talkin to this guy next to us and then his lady friend walked up. She and I got into our own little conversation and she began to tell me that this was their first date and how they had met online. It was crazy sitting there listening to everything she was saying. It's funny what a complete stranger will tell you. But she was excited about it so I was excited for her!!

The game was over and the nightlife was SOOOO calling my name. After getting something in my tummy, other than beer, and getting ready, we had about a half hour to get to where ever we were going....which was still up in the air at that moment. One of the girl's who was with us had a hookup at a club so that's where we ended up. I can't remember the name of the bar but it was a good time anywho. We showed up about 10 mins before the ball dropped. There was alot of people there and we were sooo far behind!! Everybody was dressed nice and looking very good. I was trying to kill everyone in my little black mini-skirt but everyone was so drunk by the time we got there, they probably thought I had 5 eyes on my head by that point.

So the ball dropped, everyone gave their hugs and kisses and we partied like rockstars for the rest of the night.

But I almost forgot to tell you guys about our cab incident. This was so funny none of us could stop talking about it the next day. We were waiting for a taxi to take us all to the club and one cab pulled up to take a few of us there. Keith, Mark and myself took the next cab that pulled up and it already had another passenger, a woman. But before we could even move 10 ft., our cab driver hits another cab! Yea, out of nowhere this other cab pulls right in front of our cab as he was turning into the street. And to make it even better, the woman an older lady, she was telling us to say our necks were hurting or something. Man, we were trippin! Not only did we have like 20 mins to get to where we had to be, but our cab just hit another it's raining and I'm wearing little, black heels, a mini-skirt and an open button down shirt with no stockings or anything. FREEZING!!!!

I really don't know what the hell I was thinking...I wasn't thinking obviously!! We were laughing so hard we almost forgot we had to be somewhere. We jumped into the next cab and took off. All I could say was, "What just happened?? What was that??" Definitely one of the highlights of my trip! The next day was a complete recovery day. We drove back to Keith's house and stopped along the way to eat. All we did was lay around and watch football all day. It was a perfect way to end a perfect night and even a perfect weekend.

This New Year's Eve was no doubt one of the best I've ever had. I have to give a special thanks to Keith's wonderful parents and also to his sister Melissa. She's a little firecracker and that's why I like her. She's a funny one and super cute! Of course, tons of thanks to my boy and his friends Mark, Bill and everyone else I met on that trip.

I'm ready for this new year and what it has to offer. If times like this is what I have to look forward to, then it's going to be pretty damn hard for life to get any better!

Much love, Sara ;)


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